Breaking Software Barriers, Past Visions of Future Software, and Current Remixing
Currents | Week 7 | Kevin Cadena
Weekly Description
Now having spoken about the computer itself, let's narrow the scope to the tools that exist inside shed—Computer Software. Instead of focusing on the decisions that lead software to look the way it does, we'll instead be looking at how software could've been different.
Reverse Charades
- One Person Will Volunteer To Guess
- Everyone else will agree on a word to act out.
- The volunteer will have 3 tries to guess what the word is.
- If the guesser gets it right, they get to choose what the next word is and someone else volunteers to guess.
Peer Review & Discussion
Presenting To Each Other
- Students will be split up into groups of two.
- You will speak to each other about your takes on a speculative computer with each partner having 10 minutes or so. Here are some points you can talk about:
- What would you like to add to it?
- What doesn’t feel entirely done at the moment?
- How did you incorporate the reading and video from last week?
- If one of you did not read or watch it ask your partner to summarize, and collaborate on how the computer could be changed with the material in mind.
- If both of you did not read or watch, please take the moment to read A Brief Rant on The Future of Interaction, and talk through how each of your computers could change.
- Be sure to jot down whatever feedback is being given to each person's computers during the time alloted.
- When it is time to switch, post the annotated feedback under that person's post on the CANVAS thread.
Class Discussion
- We will reconvene into a larger group.
- We will use post-it notes to write down what came up for everyone in their groups
- There should be one idea per post-it note
- We'll talk through some of the points on the post it notes.
Breaking Software Barriers, Past Visions of Future Software, and Current Remixing Presentation
Presentation Link 35-45 minutes
Feedback Loops Activity
While SmallTalk and HyperCard are programmatic ways to think of interconnected software, there is a less technical and more amorphous way to connect unrelated tools, by becoming these links ourselves.
Bending Software To You
- You will be assigned one of the following office suite programs to use as an initial creative outlet:
- Google Docs
- Google Slides
- Google Sheets
- Google Drive
- Google Calendar
- Google Forms
- Here are some guiding questions to help you think through repurposing the software you've been given.
- We'll take 5 minutes to survey the software you've been assigned
- What are the options of the software? What are you able to edit?
- Does it let you draw? Change colors? Change styling?
- How can its options be used for artistic expression? Bend the Software to your interests. (i.e turning a phone tree into a listen-and-dial horror game)
Becoming SmallTalk
- Look through the Tiny Tools Directory
- Create a connection between the work you did in the previous software and this new software you're making.
- Here are some guiding questions:
- Is what you made in your previous program exportable in some way?
- Can that export be brought into the your new software?
- If not, what are some ways it can be reintrepreted, add to it or be pulled back into the original software?
Pick a software that you feel piques your interest.
Share Out
15 minutesWrap Up
- Go over the homework for this coming week.
- If time allots, we can start on the reading and viewing.
- Go over what our plan is for for the final day of the workshop.
Watch | Read |
Optional |
Do | |
Synesthesiac Software & Peripheral
References | |
Presentation Link
Chris Novello Website |